Authorising, Editing Suggested Support Requests
HQi’s expanded Support Request capabilities provide suggestions for improvements on your website. Our team will submit these proposed tasks to you through HQi, following a review of your Web page.
Clients on our Enterprise plans may opt for website reviews as part of their plan's 3 free consulting services per year. However, if you’re not on such plan, you can request the review as a consultative service and we’d be happy to make recommendations for a one-off fee.
1. To see our proposed tasks for your site, navigate to the “My Account” section on your HQi menu. Then select "Support" and click “Support Request History.”

2. From there you’ll see a list of all our suggested tasks to upgrade your site. Selecting a task will enable you to view the specific details on the recommended work. 
3. Go over the task’s details to consider the advancements to be done on your website. Once you have approved a proposal, hit “Authorise” to implement them. Alternatively, you can opt for “Decline” if you’re not ready for the modifications.

4. You can also click “Edit” to add your notes on the proposed task and give us more directions on changes you'd like to see.
Picking out the “Edit” button will lead you to the “Modify Support Request” page, where you can indicate the task’s priority, due date and other necessary information for your desired revisions.
5. If you would like to make a new task, just tap the “Create New Support Request” tab, which you can access in two ways. You’ll find the “Create New Support Request” button from the “Support Request History” page...

… or from the “My Account” tab then "Support" menu in HQi’s main menu.

6. You can track your authorised task’s progress from its “Status” when you check it in your “Support Request History.”