Authorising or rejecting articles on a list page
Here's the tutorial video on authorising or rejecting articles on a list page:
List page articles must be authorised before they are published to your website and sent to your Email Alerts subscribers. Here's how to authorise your articles:
1. Under "HQi Content Manager," select the "Authorise Content" link on HQi's left-side navigation.

2. Select the "Approve/Reject" button to review the document.
3. Check if the document, date, categories and email settings are correct, then click "Approve." The review page will appear, as per the below.
4. If you need to make further edits, click "Reject" or go back to the "Add/Edit Pages" and edit the list page. From the review page you cannot untick or unselect the multiple categories or change email settings in the "Authorise Content" page.