Authorising or rejecting additions/updates
Here's the tutorial video on authorising or rejecting additions/updates:
Before any changes are published to your website, you will need to authorise these.
1. Click "Authorise Content" under the "HQi Content Manager" section.

2. Select the "Approve/Reject" button on the page you have made amends to.

3. Review your content amendments in the preview screen then click "Approve."

4. If anything is incorrect, choose the "Cancel" button. Then go back to "Add/Edit Pages," where you can revise the page again as needed.

To share the page prior to approving, you can use the "Preview URL" link at the top of the preview screen.
5. If you do not wish to send the changes live, you can select the "Reject" button.

You can see historical versions (previous content on a page) at the bottom of each content page. These historical pages can be previewed or edited. Any changes made can always be reversed.
You can also see the status of a page from here. "Uploaded" means the page needs to be approved in order to show on the website. An Approved page is the content currently showing on your website.