Adding New Jobs
Hiring the right talent is key to driving results, right? Why not maximise your Careers Page to spark the interest of top talent for your company? This page is where you can define the type of employees you are seeking. Follow the steps below to get started!
How to Add New Jobs to your Careers Section
1. On HQi's menu, navigate to the "HQi Premium Features" tab then hover over "Careers" and click on "Add/Edit Careers."

2. Choose the "Add" button to add a new job listing.

3. Clicking the "Add" button will display these fields to fill out:

- Title - Add the title/name of your new job listing.
- Field - Choose the field or category where the new job listing belongs. You can add more fields in the "Add/Edit Fields" under the "Careers" tab.
- State/Province - Indicate the state and province of your new job listing.
- Area - Specify the area or location of the job listing.
- Closing Date - Point out the closing date of the job listing.
- Hidden - Check this box to hide the new job listing from your website. Leave the box unchecked if you want it to appear there.
- Summary - Write a brief summary of the new job listing.
- File - Upload a file related to the new position. This file may be downloaded by job seekers.
- External URL - Add an external URL or link to the details of the job.
- Full Description - Provide the full description and details of your new job listing.
Editing Application Form Settings:
You may define the Application form settings on the right side of the Career Details page:

- Application Form Recipient - add the email address where the application form will be sent upon submission
- Action After Submit - select which action to take once the form is submitted
- Thank You Page Redirect URL - add the relative link of the Thank You page
- Thank You Message Displays on Page - indicate the texts that will be displayed on the Thank You message if the action selected is Display Thank you message.
- Send Confirmation Email To Applicant - Select Yes or No
- Confirmation Email Template - Select the email template to be used for the confirmation email.
4. After completing the "Career Details," tap the "Save" button to post your new job listing.