Adding Email Alerts
Email Alerts quickly push out your company's latest news and ASX Announcements to stakeholders once they're published on your website. Here’s how to add an Email Alerts form in WordPress, using the IRM Newsroom Plugin:
1. In WordPress, click “Pages,” then “Add New” on the left-side menu.
2. Put a title on the new page (e.g., Email Alerts).
3. In the page content area (see image above), add the following email alerts form shortcode: [email_alerts_form]
4. Use the buttons on the right side of the page to save and publish the page.
5. Check that the page is showing the email alerts form using “View Page” or “Preview” buttons.

Creating a Landing Page / Thank You Page
A landing page or thank you page is where a subscriber will be directed after he/she submits the Email Alerts form. Here’s how to create one…
1. In WordPress, click “Pages,” then “Add New” on the left-side menu.
2. Put a title on the new page (e.g., Thank You).
3. Add a message to the page content (e.g., You have been subscribed to Email Alerts.). See image above.
4. Use the buttons on the right side of the page to save and publish the page.
5. View the page and copy the page address URL. See example below.

6. Paste the URL you copied into the “Email Alerts Landing Page” section of the IRM Newsroom plugin. You can find this in WordPress under "IRM Newsroom," "Settings."
Setting up Unsubscribe Options
To allow users to unsubscribe from your Email Alerts, you can directly link to the following page, replacing “demo” with your ticker code:
Alternatively, you can add an iframe to contain this unsubscribe form on a page on your site.
e.g., <iframe style="border:0;width:100%; height:300px;" src=""></iframe>