Adding Alt tags to Images
Alt tags on your images will provide alternate text describing your image when it cannot be displayed on your website. It also will direct clients or investors back to your website when they do an image search and find your image. This will result in more clicks and a higher ranking for your site.
How to add "alt tags" to your images
1. In HQi's menu, go to "Add/Edit Pages" under "HQi Content Manager" and navigate to the page with the image you want to edit.
2. Once the page is open, find the image where you want to add the "alt tag" and highlight it. Click on the image icon and you will see the window below:

3. Then add your text in the "Image description" box; this will serve as your "alt tag" for the image.

4. Once you have entered the "alt tag", select the "OK" button. Be sure to save and authorise the page to publish the changes to your site.