Adding, editing and removing articles on a list page
A List Page is composed of related articles displayed consecutively, one below the other, as in a list. A good example of this is your page for ASX Announcements or Annual Reports, with PDFs presented in chronological order.
You'll find more details on list pages below as well as how to add, edit or remove items on such pages.
What are list pages?
List pages display the bullet point icon within HQi.

These pages are made up of PDF articles. They display "Date", "Title" and "Brief" fields, as seen in the screen shot below.

Adding an article to a List Page
For quick reference, here's the tutorial video on adding articles to a list page. The step-by-step process is further explained below.
1. To upload a new article, go to "HQi Content Manager" and "Add/Edit Pages" section.

2. Select the list page that your new article will be added to. In this example, we will use Sample List Page B.

3. Add the title you wish to give the article in the "Title" field (a mandatory field).

4. The "Brief" field is optional. This can be a summary of the article, key bullet points or highlights. Using this field is advantageous as it gives users the choice to read the full article or not. It's also particularly useful for people viewing their emails through certain mobile devices.

There is a 2,000 character limit in the "Brief" field.
5. Select an "Effective Date" for the article using the calendar (also a mandatory field).

6. Upload your article to the "Content file" field. Alternately, if you do not wish to add a PDF document and would rather link to an external URL, just add the URL in the "Link to external content" field, e.g.,

Only PDF, HTML, Text or Microsoft Office documents are accepted.
7. You may also add a featured image for each article through the "Featured Image" section.

8. If you'd like the article to also appear in other list pages, just tick the "Multiple Categories" checkbox. Then highlight the list pages you want from the "Choose Categories" field by pressing the Ctrl button while clicking on the categories.

If you do not want to load the article to another list page, untick the "Multiple Categories" checkbox.
9. If you'd like to email the article to your subscribers on a particular list page, hit the "Yes" button in the "Send an email to subscribers" field.

The "Send an email to subscribers" field is set to "No" as a default. To ensure your article is sent to subscribers, please ascertain that you select the "Yes" button.
10. Click "Save" at the top of the page. Please don't forget to authorise the changes you made.
Important Note
Only PDF files that are less than 20 MB in size can be uploaded via HQi. If your article is larger than 20 MB, please contact your Client Relationship Manager for assistance.
Editing/Removing articles from List pages
1. Under "HQi Content Manager," select "Add/Edit Pages" and click the page where the article is listed.
2. Once you've selected the page, a list of all the uploaded articles will be displayed. Tap the "Edit" link beside the article you want to update or remove from visibility.

3. Once you've selected the "Edit" button, you can amend the article title, date and replace the PDF.
4. The "Hide" function allows you to remove articles from visibility, so they will no longer show on the page.
5. Click "Save" to update your changes.