Changing the News Update Approval Process

To change the news update approval process, firstly navigate to the Distribution Channels option underneath the IRM Newsroom module.



You will be taken to the below page which displays the table of announcement types and also shows where they are currently set to release to, once approved. Click on each Distribution Channel to change the approval settings.



At the top of the page, you will see the Approval Process box, containing three options. These are Auto, Authorise or Ignore.



What do these mean?

Auto: Updates will be released to your distribution channels without being authorised through Newsroom or via the Approval Required email.

Authorise: Updates will need to be authorised via the Authorise section in Newsroom or via the Approval Required that is sent to your Newsroom Admin.

Ignore: Updates will be ignored and not sent out to your distribution channels.

To change the approval process, simply select the preferred method and click the save button at the top of the page.