IRM HQi Release Notes 5.0

Seen the new design of our upgraded HQi content management system? How about the advanced features we’ve added to help you more easily manage your webpage? Read on to get details of several enhancements we’ve made. Or email if you’d like more information or would like to request a demo on these new features.


Seen the new design of our upgraded HQi content management system? How about the advanced features we’ve added to help you more easily manage your webpage?

Read on to get details of several enhancements we’ve made. Or email if you’d like more information or would like to request a demo on these new features.

A New Look for HQi

We’ve revamped HQi’s design to give it a more contemporary yet corporate look. Click here to see the latest features that allow you to view your up-to-the-minute announcements, number of subscribers and users, among other upgrades.

Easier Manual Upload in Newsroom

You can now choose exactly where you’d like to publish your company news direct from the Manual Upload input screen. You can then publish from the Pending section after you’ve uploaded your announcement.

YouTube and Shopify Integration

Talk about expanding your market reach! Newsroom now allows you to share your YouTube videos to your subscriber groups. You can also update them on new products or blog posts in Shopify.

Smoother Social Media Links

A preview of your post is now available when you share news in Twitter, LinkedIn or other social media channels. No need to double check how the update would appear in your selected channel.

Downloadable Showcase List

You can now export your Showcase entries from HQi. This helps facilitate a trouble-free way of sharing or managing your data.

Data Specifics in Showcase Addresses

Sometimes false results come up when you include addresses through longitude and latitude details. No worries! You can now use the free text method for clarity of data.

Spell Check in Editor

Did you know you can now spell check your posts in Editor? You’ll know you have a misspelling when the red line appears under incorrect words. Less stressful writing!

Trackable Links on List Pages

All external links on list pages are now trackable, not just PDF links.

Smarter Custom Mail Section

We cleaned up the Custom Mail section to give you a more efficient method of handling your company announcements.

Job Summary on Career Page

The Career Page now has a summary section where you can give a brief introduction of your specific job posting. This field can include a sentence or two of primary details about the vacancy.

Support Request Upgrades

You can now approve and edit proposed tasks from our Support team. It’s a great way to have us get started on the suggestions that will improve your website.