IRM Events provides Event Managers with the ability to send out multiple email invitations for an Event.

From the Event Detail page, select "View Invitations" to get to the Invitations List for the event. Alternatively, go to the main menu for Invitations and use the filter to select the particular Event to chow all the invitations for one event.

This invitations list for a particular event shows all the invitations, current and historical, for this event. Use the filters to further refine the display of invitations. USe the sequencing arrows on the heading line fields to sequence the invitations (ascending or descending) on the field.

From either the global invitations list page, or the list page for invitations for a partial event, select the Invitation Name for the invitation you would like to view or edit, or select "Create New Invitation" to create a new invitation.

The concept is that each event will likely be promoted by more than one invitation. Each invitation has one or more selected Email Subscriber Groups to select the list to whom the invitation will be sent, and it has an Email Template to be used for the email.

There can be separate Email Subscriber Group (and Template) selections for sending Test invitation emails. You will most likely want to choose the same template for your test runs as for the live invitation.

An invitation has the following components:

1. An Invitation Name - this is used mainly as an internal name for the Event Manager to easily keep track of the invitation processing. However, it is a field that can be used in the Invitation Email Template.

2. An Invitation Status - initially set up as Draft. When Invitation emails are in the process of being sent it will show (briefly) as In Progress, then once email sending is complete it will show as Sent.

3. The selection of Email Subscriber groups to receive this invitation, for both the Live and Test email campaigns

4. The selection of the Invitation Email Template to be used for the invitation, both live and test.

Once the fields in the Invitation are completed and saved as a draft, the Event manager can see a preview of the Email using the selected templates, or send a Test email to the test subscriber list.

If the Event has been published (and is not historical) then the Event Manager can decide to Send the live invitations. Once sent, the status is changed and the invitation information can no longer be changed.

The Event Manager may then wish to send the same (or slightly different invitation - to do this, use the "Copy Invitation" button to set up a new invitation on this Event with the same subscriber groups and Templates, for modification and re-sending as needed.

Typically an Event Manager would use multiple email templates for successive sending of emails - perhaps an initial announcement, follow-up announcements, a reminder closer to the date and a hurry last days type of email just before the event. Each will probably want a different Invitation Email template. See separate help centre article for setting up Invitation Email Templates.

Once a person has registered for an Event, Invitation Processing will no longer send Invitation Emails for that event to that person, even though they are still in the Subscriber group.

Once Invitations have been sent, an "Attendee Record" is created for every person to whom the invitation was sent (not for test invitations). See separate Help Centre articles for Attendee Management.

Invitation processing can send invitations from one Instance of IRM Events to subscribers in a different instance of IRM Events, with appropriate permission. See separate Help Centre article for multi-instance invitations.